Thursday, October 13, 2005

Indian Independence

Our breakfast this morning:

Me: Do you want an orange for breakfast? (India loves oranges.)

India: No. Oranges are sick.

Me: What?

India: Oranges are sick.

(Where is she getting this stuff from? Where?)

Me: Do you want a grape or raspberry yogurt?

India: That strawberry.

Me: No, that's raspberry.

India: Strawberry.

Me: No. Raspberry.

India: That strawberry momma! That strawberry!

Me: Whatever.

India: That raspberry momma?


Anonymous said...

you corrected "distilled." ha!

Anonymous said...

Hey I'll have you know that I made it to the end of that story this morning before getting distracted... but I liked reading it again!

Angela said...

Jeremy - You checked. Ha.