Saturday, December 31, 2005


Okay, okay, okay...
Some things are just too good to pass up. Sometimes the world works the way it should and sometimes it makes me laugh my head off for hours.

Apparently it has been discovered in recent years (according to "Quirks and Quarks" on the C.B.C today - good day for public radio) that species of bats who live in monogamous relationships have much larger brains than those who do not. In fact, brain size "plummets" PLUMMETS!!! when female bats especially are promiscuous. Too funny. In addition, monogamous bats look out for each other - what's good for one, is good for both. Varied partnered bats become self-serving and competitive, especially amongst the sexes. The competition for potent sperm produces bigger testes in the males, which makes for less power in the head that makes the important decisions...
It seems to translate to birds as well, promiscuous peacocks grow beautiful plumage (out of necessity) and smaller brains.

Oh glory me. That's just to perfect.

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