Saturday, January 14, 2006

My Heart is Asleep in My Bed

She woke me up at 6:30 this morning. I tried and tried to get her back to sleep, but oh, to no avail. The funny little monkey was dancing around and singing all morning until she had a bath and crashed into a weeping, tired mess. I wrapped her naked, wet, little body in a warm blanket and held her until she fell asleep in my bed, all warm and safe.

Oh little love. Oh my sweet.


Anonymous said...

India is beautiful. I love her pretty little, tired face. I think we get--as cliche as it sounds--glimpses of heaven, all things beautiful and good, in their sweet, innocent faces. I love that you wrapped her wet naked little body up and held her until she fell asleep. I need to do more intimate, gentle things like that. Oh, how absolutely ideal. : )

Angela said...

Oh Jodi, I'm so glad you said that. I didn't see myself as being intimate and gentle, just her being so trusting and vulnerable. Thanks