Sunday, January 08, 2006

So there's this button I've been ignoring...

I am the Queen.
I am the foxy lady.
I am a hot-momma.
I am a smarty pants.
I am a lucky girl.
I am glad I decided to keep blogging.
I am self-indulgent.
And that's okay (for now, at this level).
I'll keep my eyes open.
Keep yours open too.
I would like to blog like this sometime and say what I REALLY want to say, but with less chance of people reading it.
Odd, this desire for anonymous honesty but shared honesty. Hey?

I love that you are reading this.


Anonymous said...

You are most definitely a hot-momma. And I'm so glad I'm reading too. So glad.

Anonymous said...

Foxy : ) Indeed.

Love it.


Angela said...

I feel like I just passed a note in class A=1 B=2 C=3...
12, 9, 11, 5
25, 15, 21.

Anonymous said...

4, 9, 20, 20, 15.