You Might Like To Know That:
I hate pickles and feeling like I have to talk fast.
I hate losing.
Coffee makes me feel better.
I sweat when I’m happy.
My eyes water when I talk to a pretty boy.
I’m positive God loves me; I’m not so sure he likes me.
The best place a boy can put his hands when he kisses me is on my face.
I love red wine.
I’m not good at giving up – even when I should.
I’m ridiculously brave, impatient and impulsive. Sometimes, that’s a really bad combination.
I’m not good at sharing.
Some days I think I’m nicer than God.
I hate when people talk during a movie.
I pretend I’m stupid when I feel nervous.
Sometimes I am stupid.
I love getting dressed up to go out at night.
I am a good driver.
The thought of working at the same job and living in the same city for my entire life terrifies me.
My friends are the most generous people I’ve met.
I used to think everyone was a robot when I was little. Sometimes, I still look for wires.
Most days I would rather be kind than smart.
I have a crush on Donald Miller and Douglas Coupland and Marilynne Robinson.
I talk to myself when I’m embarrassed.
My favorite colour is red. I can’t wear red.
I think I look better naked than dressed, but I feel more comfortable with clothes on. I’m not sure what this means.
I like bugs but mice gross me out.
I’m 5’8 and I love it.
Hands are my favorite part of a body.
I’m bad with directions.
I would like to take a math course, travel to India, learn to live within community, be pregnant again, buy a Gouldian Finch, get my masters, own a Green Mandarin fish, swing on a trapeze, speak French fluently, walk on water, live by the ocean, grow grapes on the vine, learn more about space.
I blush all the time.
I think about God and writing and love about 80% of the time when I’m showering. 10% of the time I’m trying to remember if I put conditioner in my hair or not.
You can mix the shampoo with the conditioning. It's more better, no?! ;)
I love this post. I wish I could articulate stuff about me like this. I am not any good with identifying or notating things like this and wish I were a better writer. Now I know more about you, and I love that. You chose the most intriguing things to include. Thank you.
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