Monday, September 11, 2006

I've Always Wanted to Roll Around Naked, in Oodles of Cash

...and now's your chance to help make this worthy dream a reality. The Young Alberta Book Society, Chrysalis festival begins in October. So, I'll be hitting the road, touring with my book. Making lots of money (or enough to cover rent?) Maybe. Hopefully. If YOU book me.
So, all you dear teacher friends of mine, make it happen. Bring me to your school. Give me a mic. Make me rich.
I'll love you for ever.


Anonymous said...

hey there big sis just to let you know i have quite a bit of white hair so im thinkin it"s genetics. just a quick note to brighten your day. my little squirt is screaming cause i left her alone for the 2 whole minutes ive been down here so see yah

Anonymous said...

tell me more i will book you!

Ann said...

Wow. I've been reading your blog. Wow. Have you always been a writer?

Angela said...

ann, are you talking to me? am i a writer?
don't tell the writing police though. they'll come and throw me in jail for impersonation.

hey kimmy, thanks for squeezing me in! go eat a carrot and grow me another healthy niece.

Angela said...

hey karen,
if you have any pull with your old school... ya. the schools book us (published writers) through YABS (the link i posted) and we come and do workshops/presentations for a day or half a day, with the kids. it's ridiculously expensive, though. but apparent;y some schools do, do it. i've already got one booking! how fun. now i have to try and make sure i'm worth their money. i was thinking of putting together a little tap dance routine. yes?

Jodi said...

If you want, Ang, Natty can give you some guidance on the tapping since he's now taking tap class... complete with pretty little tappers and killer black with red flames leg warmers. Doesn't get any richer than that. (He'll be in therapy later in life.)

If I were teaching this year, I'd make my school book you in an instant. You'd be worth every penny.