Saturday, November 04, 2006

By the Way...

How come none of you have made fun of my profile picture yet? It was supposed to be funny. Why aren't you laughing?
Dead. You're all dead to me!


Ann said...

We've only just met! I thought it was entirely too early to start making fun of you. But since you've given me permission....

Angela said...

ok ann. maybe you're not dead to me. but, sheesh, who can i trust now-a-days when all my friends let that one go?

Cristina said...

what a dumbass picture, ang. taking yourself WAY too seriously, i see....

Jodi said...

I had myself a quiet little chuckle while tsking and saying "that Ang"... but that's as far as I got. I'll make sure to make the kidding more public next time.

I am enjoying your quotes/thoughts that you put under your profile picture though! I meant to tell you that a while back. : )

Angela said...

cristina, you're in.

jodi, i can always count on you to notice the little details. that's what i like about you.
that, and your nice rack.

Jodi said...

Yes, it is rather nice, now isn't it? Nursing shrinkage be damned.

Anonymous said...

Yah, you look reely reely dum. Yah, but lik yer trying too be look reely reely smart.

How was that? I could maybe work on the spelling a bit but I think that was sufficiently mocking enough. (heh heh!)

Love your bestest friend in the whole wide world....(but not your only one!)
OKOK I have a new CD I have to share with you! I think you will dig it! It's called "Knives don't have your back" by Emily Haines & The Soft Skeleton. She's the lead singer of Metric... remind me to play it 4 u.
PS guess what movie we are going to see this afternoon>>>

Angela said...

hey candy,
did you know emily used to share an apartment with the chick - karen o, (and the drummer too, i think) from the yeah yeah yeahs? weird.

Flipper, The Revenge?

Anonymous said...

Sigh no movie for us 2night.. it was Ms Coppola's latest delight that we were going to see.

Sigh #2 I don't know if Karen O is the best influence- she's a crazy chick! Mind you Y control still makes me dance after listening to it a schwack of times. So have you heard of Ms Haines latest that I am currently listening to right now? Lou got it for me (yeah I dig that guy).

By the way she & her skinny friends are coming to the citadel Jan 17 2007- shall we plot?

ok nighty night

Anonymous said...

David Hasselhoff reads this blog? Who knew? Wow... David Hasselhoff...

I like the picture-- it's quirky.

Angela said...

ya, dave and i go way back, though i had to drop his ass when he insisted on wearing those tie up leather pants for a month straight. i mean they're hot, and all for a date or two but, but a month?