Saturday, December 23, 2006


The days grow longer, even if almost imperceptibly, and we are turning from darkness to light. The very planet; earth, ground, clouds, trees, turn towards the sun, and my heart, my heart too, seeks it out. If only we could have calculated the point a little finer, so that as we mark the moment that Jesus pushed past hip bones and through a bloody birth canal, into a hay and manure scented world, the earth would click at that exact same time of his birth, and turn from darkness into sunlight.

We've got it all wrong. Advent should be a time to wander in our blackness, to poke at wounds, fumble words, sift through broken pieces, dive deep, come up uncertain. A time to remember that we walked in darkness: arched back and sore footed, with aching hips and swollen fingers, not knowing how we would ever be able to love such a child - God with knees and earlobes. We should practice our old dismay, until that exact moment when our blue planet passes the mark and all hell breaks loose in an enormous moan of defeat.

The earth turns to face the light. Jesus is born.


Cherie said...

Absolutely beautiful.

Anonymous said...

angela, just so you know, my aunt thinks you are a wonderful antidote to holy-phony seemly-lowly mom-blogs. i am in agreement.

my first quarter of college has been a roller coaster with no seat-belt: rather fun, kind of mental.

wanted to let you know i put a couple new songs up. of course.

merry christmas!

Anonymous said...

thank you, I am so grateful for your words that remind me what life is truly about.

Angela said...

thanks friends! and thanks for the new comment cherie.

joel! it's so good to hear from you. i hope you had a fantastic christmas with your family. keep me posted on the school stuff when you can. i love hearing about it all.