Thursday, May 17, 2007

Napolean's Penis



Jodi said...

what I'd like to know is how do you find these articles?! : )

deanna said...

What a crack up! Great article, too. I'm reading Zinsser's "On Writing Well" again after many years. It reminds me there's a way to engagingly share about any subject.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Jodi, what did you do? I know you Googled, Napoleon’s penis didn't you!

This is very weird, can you imagine people around his dead body and...! I wonder if they were sitting there drinking wine and one said, hey, I have a great idea...!

Angela said...

ah, the new york times, you know. they'll publish anything, and on the odd occasion i find myself with a coffee and a computer in the morning i like to read it.

Sebastien Millon said...

OMG! HAhahaha, that's too funny. And how awkward, who would think to collect such a thing?!

Angela said...

sandy and sabastian, i know!

i gather that they think it was the priest who administered last rites that did the deed, but wow, who grabs a fistful of any man's manhood (dead manhood at that) and thinks, "i'd like to keep this. it would go perfectly beside my picture of grandmother." ???