Saturday, August 04, 2007

This is the sound of me trying to relax

Starting some time in June I began having a hard time writing. Finding time, space, rhythm, a brave heart for it all hasn't been working. There are a million drafts of posts that I couldn't finish. A bunch of essays...whatever. I'm taking things too seriously. For someone as easy going as I am, I can be such a tight ass. So, in the spirit of not worrying I give you...

Words/phrases I hope to never write...

Hearts beating in rhythm
shattered dreams
cloud nine
Lord and Saviour
Invite Jesus in
I'm so bored
Stop flirting with me
I don't like napping
too much of a good thing
ejaculated (unless it's a joke. Then it's perfect)
Jesus saves.

I'm pretty sure I can find prettier words for all of those.


deanna said...

I know you can find prettier words; meanings that haven't gone stale.

Cristina said...

After reading the past few posts all in a rush, I noticed there was something different... precisely something more relaxed (and I was hoping it wasn't just me after three glasses of port). Your writing is beautiful as always, just more... easy. And I mean that in a good way. Thanks--as always.

Angela said...

your new picture is so cute deanna.

mmmmmm, i love port. i wish you lived close to me cristina. i think we would have us some good times. port or not.

cecily said...

I'm devastated - my blog is nothing more than shattered dreams, a hopeless collection of pulsating words that are altogether too much of a good thing. I was on cloud nine for a while there, but now I'm going to have to go and edit the whole damn lot, just to make sure I haven't used these unpretty words... good thing I'm so bored and I don't like napping. While cunt and tit have rarely passed my lips, I have ejaculated rather crudely at times, though not on my blog. It stops Frank and my hearts beating in rhythm (he doesn't think those words are worthy of my Lord and Saviour and it makes him stop flirting with me altogether)

... OK, enough silliness. It's nearly killed me. I just cannot bring myself to use the other two unpretty phrases. I heartily agree that there must be better, far, far better ways of expressing them!

But I am worried I might have used some of the other hackneyed terms... can I latch onto your blog and soak up the prettiness for ever?

Angela said...

oh cecily, that was so, so fantastic that i think i have a crush on you!