Monday, April 09, 2007

Make A List of All the Little Things I Miss

I dream of flying. We all dream of flying. I dream I hold myself up, up in the air with my inhalations and the way in which I push the air out of my lungs and past my lips. I float above houses and tree tops, exhaling in smooth, even breaths. In my dream I am teaching you to fly but you are stubborn, or ashamed, or afraid and you never manage to lift off the ground more than a foot or two. And now, I can’t remember your face in the dream, or if you were disappointed, or sad, only that I flew, that you didn’t because you wouldn’t, and that I loved to fly.


Anonymous said...

You're blog always makes me feel like I ought to curl up in a giant old chair wrapped in a fluffy blanket pulled straight from the dryer with a mug of hot cocoa.

And a better cat.

Angela said...

that's funny. that's how i feel when i write it, except with coffee.

Anonymous said...

Bears can't drink coffee. It makes us smell like airplanes.