Monday, May 22, 2006

Danger! High Voltage

It was an electrical fire.
Most of my things are fine (may need to replace a couch and mattress).
Our house is uninhabitable.
The owner's insurance company may decide to rebuild (will know Tuesday).
If they do rebuild, it will be a minimum of four months.
We are living with Roger and Sherri, for the time being (which is also a fabulous book by Annie Dillard).
Should I find a new place? Stay here? Go to my brother's? etc...
India was/is amazing. After the fire we snuggled in bed together and I breathed in her smoky hair, feeling overwhelmed by all of the goodness she brings to my life.
I'm feeling cautiously fabulous - I'm in that space where I'm sitting with God, feeling good about the reality of having nothing else to depend on but him.

All's well.

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